Breakthrough Information Technology Center
Our Projects
Multi Cloud Desktop

Multi Cloud Desktop (MCD) is a platform designed by our team that allows users to gain remote access to a different applications running on other computers.
A normal user can use any applications, supported by our platform, without installing it, what is very important for the computers with the lower computer/device specifications.
The programs will run in a cloud of virtual machines, and you are either working with an application for free or by a timed subscription. Therefore you do not need to download large volumes of the installation files or take care of the registration and activation of each installed product. Many applications require specific libraries, updates, service packs, and some of the apps only function on a limited set of operating systems. All you have to do is to install an MCD client and in just a few clicks, you will be able to start to work with Adobe Photoshop, Office, Matlab, and any other required applications.

CODA is a software product, which aims to eliminate the technological gap of protection tools. The system implements an anomalous detection of malware and attacks. It means that instead of looking for signs of computer viruses, CODA searches for deviations in the behavior of programs from the legitimate model. The legitimate model is recorded on the host under protection for a certain period. This model is considered to be clear. All protected computers become part of a centralized network. They exchange with models of legitimate programs with the main server - "oracle." This server collects all models, makes a revision, and looks for unreliable models. It aims to reduce the percentage of false positives and protect against "poisoning" by malicious models. Detection is carried out in real time, the system is able to suppress the detected threats. Since the system does not require information about viruses, it is able to work without frequent updates of signature database.
Some of our
finished projects

Transas contract: "The development of conceptual and technical design of hardware and software in terms of the subsystem of forecasting the spread of oil pollution leakage through the underwater sources in view of the hydrocarbon medium ascent to the surface or under the ice, the impact of the deep currents and interaction with the water environment"
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia Y Tecnologia (Conacyt, Mexico) contract: "Localization Analysis of Compact Invariant Sets of Systems with Complex Dynamics and its Applications"
Academy of Finland, "Qualitative theory of dynamical systems: Theory and Applications".
РЗ Labs contract: "Information extraction for multimedia data".
HP Labs contract: "An open algebraic framework for query processing in a distributed heterogeneous environment".
EMC Contract: Mining long-term patterns in a system log.